Note: These explanation pages will consist of updated, but still broadly similar, edits of the original coining posts or webpages. They will still follow the same general structure of before, but with updated information, and hopefully more concise writing.
About Phoenixal
Phoenixal, also called Fenikaen, refers to those who had past lives that they've left, and were reborn again into this life. A Phoenixal person may additionally believe that this process has happened many times before, and will continue in the future. An example is someone who was a deer in their past life, and was reborn again into this life as a human.
Phoenixal is intentionally broad; it includes those who may believe in souls, reincarnation, new versions of oneself in different time periods, and many other varieties of experiences that may not be listed here. It is generally considered to be a term under the alterhuman umbrella, but you don't need to identify with that label to be Phoenixal.
While the terms reincarnation, past lives, and similar already exist, this term was made for people with these experiences to use for themselves as a self-descriptor. It is in no way a mandatory label for those with these experiences.
Someone's Phoenixal identity can be called a fenitype, or a fenlife if you prefer, and you may or may not still identify with what you were in your past life. If you do, you may be otherkind, a therian, or otherwise. If you don't, it may be a kardiatype. There have been some terms coined by others to further specify their identity in relation to being Phoenixal, such as Ekynamor, and Ekyneus, also called Ekyngender.
All the known flags and symbols created for this term are linked here.