Note: These explanation pages will consist of updated, but still broadly similar, edits of the original coining posts or webpages. They will still follow the same general structure of before, but with updated information, and hopefully more concise writing.

About Constelic

1. What Is Constelic?

Constelic refers to those who take on or adopt an identity, or multiple identities, throughout their lifetime. People who are constelic may have any number of adopted identities, and it may fluctuate in count or intensity. These adopted identities aren't usually there at birth, instead being discovered at any point later in their life. Usually, these adopted identities aren't permanent, but they can last a very long time. 

These adopted identities are called constels, or stels for short. Someone who is Constelic may feel as though their stels shape how they act, present, refer to themselves, and potentially more. Stels can range from very intense, active identification, to something more casual and unobtrusive; they may also be fluid, changing in prominince and intensity over periods of time. (see the glossary for information on phasing, orbiting, and veiling.)

There are many reasons why someone could be Constelic. It can be neurological, stemming from something like a hyperfixation or hoarding. It can be spiritual. It could simply be the way someone's identity, or brain, works, without any particular reason. Maybe it's entirely casual, or not known at all. Similarly, there are various ways Constelic could be experienced or explained; some have described having personas, identity masks, or an unconscious need to take on new identities. Whatever your reason may be, if the shoe fits, you can always wear it.

Someone who is Constelic may or may not call themselves a Constari, where the "i" at the end can be replaced with another letter, such as constara, constare, and such. Playful names, like Stellie, have also been used.

2. Constelic Terminology

The Basics:

  • -Stelic: The suffic for Constelic identities and subtypes (ex: I am deerstelic.)

  • Constel: The name of an adopted identity. Shortened to Stel.

  • Constelist, Constellation: A list of someone's stels (comparable to a "kinlist.")

  • Phasing: Refers to when your stel has changed, whether in intensity, or in regards to which one is the most prominent or primary at the moment. Taken from the idea of moon phases, and is comparable to kin-shifts. May be elongaged to stelliphase.

  • Veiling, Cloaking: In which someone's stel becomes someone's full identity for a temporary period, as though it has overtaken everything else in prominence. You can visualize it as someone taking their stel, as though it were a cloak, and completely wrapping it around their body.


  • Fictionstelic, Ficstelic: A stel of a fictional character.

  • Farstelic, Conceptstelic: A stel of a concept or broad notion.

  • Objectstelic: A stel of an object or thing.

  • Anistelic: A stel of an animal, whether it be a "real" animal or not.

  • Mythostelic: A stel of a mythological being, creature, etc.


  • Magnistelic: When someone only experiences short bursts of gaining a stel, veiling immediately, and then dropping entirely. Comparable to otherflicker.

  • Perstelic: When someone's stel functions like a persona.

  • Projestelic: When projection leads to forming a stel.

  • Stelhoarder: Someone who hoards stels.

  • Stelnul: Someone who is Constelic, but does not currently have any stels.


  • Orbiting, Orbit: In which a Constelic person has a constantly shifting level of identification with a stel, or all their stels. As though in orbit, these stels might constantly fluctuate in closeness or intensity. 

  • Permacloaking, Permaveiling: When someone's stel is always cloaked/veiled, for whatever reason.


As a Noun: Using -stel or -stelic, alongside the word (con)stel.

  • "I am deerstelic."
  • "I have a constel."
  • "I have a deer stel."
  • "One of my stels is veiling."
  • "I'm magnistelic, so my stels tend to only last around a week."

As a Verb: The term stel may be conjugated as a verb.

  • "I stelled him."
  • "I'm stelling her so much right now."
  • "They stel Pearl from Steven Universe."
  • "I stel because of projection."

3. Constelic Flags & Symbols

Here is a folder of all the flags and symbols made for this term, new and old.