Note: These explanation pages will consist of updated, but still broadly similar, edits of the original coining posts or webpages. They will still follow the same general structure of before, but with updated information, and hopefully more concise writing.

About Aldernic

Aldernic is an umbrella term for those who have, or want to have, a body that deviates from what they currently have in some form. In simpler terms, Aldernic refers to someone whose bodily identity is divergent or nonconforming in some way. An Aldernic identity is called an alder, or aldern. 

This term is somewhat common among alterhumans, but it is not exclusive to them. In fact, it isn't exclusive to any one group of people at all! Anyone can be Aldernic. That being said, the term is most commonly used in both alterhuman and LGBTQ+ spaces.

What counts as Aldernic?

  • Someone whose aldern is nonhuman, or esoteric in some form (ie, wanting a body made out of static, an animal body, and similar.)

  • Someone whose aldern applies to different parts of their body, such as animal ears, wings, a tail, or potentially different human body parts, like extra arms, or different organs.

  • Someone whose "internal body," or bodily identity, is different from their physical one. This is common among alterhumans.

  • Probably much more imaginative ideas that I myself am not aware of. If I could list out every single way in which someone could be Aldernic, you'd be sitting here reading this page for hours.

Aldernic may refer to those who want to have a certain kind of body, those who already have a certain kind of body (such as in a system, internal identity, or fictional narratives), and other such experiences. Someone who is Aldernic might have some kind of discomfort surrounding their bodies, but it isn't a requirement. 

There is a lot of variation within the label. It could range from very small differences, to very large ones, and it may or may not be possible to replicate this type of body with currently available means; it doesn't particularly matter. Aldernic is about your identity, not what you can actually, literally obtain in the typical sense.

What doesn't count as Aldernic? (+ Some other disclaimers.)

  • Simply being alterhuman, otherkin, etc. on its own. Not every alterhuman feels this sort of way about their body, or has a different bodily identity, so being alterhuman should not automatically mean you assume someone is Aldernic. Furthermore, just because someone does feel this way doesn't mean they have to have a label forced on them. Also keep in mind that while Aldernic was very much made with alterhumans like myself in mind, it by no means is exclusive to them!

  • Do not conflate Aldernic together with Intersex. Of course, an Intersex person can be Aldernic, just like anyone else can. But there is no "identifying as intersex," they are their own community with their own experiences, and acting like their bodies being different from someone who isn't makes them Aldernic is highly disrespectful to them as people. Wanting to have a different sex doesn't make you intersex. Wanting "both binary sets" doesn't make you intersex. Wanting to be a "third sex" or something entirely different doesn't make you intersex, either. Please, don't let intersexism run rampant, and while you're at it, maybe learn a thing or two about them, if you haven't already!

  • Offensive identification; you know the ones. Unfortunately, this is the internet, and for some reason, there are people out there who try to identify as another race, as having a disability, and all sorts of other insensitive nonsense. So, let it be known: Aldernic is fully against racist, ableist, and otherwise grossly bigoted behavior like this. This is a well-known fact about the term, but that's largely because I keep saying it... So, I'm saying it again to continue making it very clear.

Are there subtypes of Aldernic?

Yes! There have been... literal hundreds of microlabel variations of the term created, ever since its initial making. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed, though! You aren't required to use any specific label; Aldernic is an umbrella term, and it's all you have to use if that's what you want. Or, you could go and use a bunch of specific words, that's fine too! Go nuts!

Here's the flag and symbol for Aldernic.